Call Number (LC) Title Results
PREX 1.2:H 34/10 National HIV/AIDS strategy for the United States 1
PREX 1.2:H 34/11 Community ideas for improving the response to the domestic HIV epidemic a report on a National Dialogue on HIV/AIDS 1
PREX 1.2:H 34/11/SPAN. Ideas de la comunidad para mejorar la respuesta a la epidemia nacional del VIH : informe sobre el dialogo nacional acerca del VIH/SIDA 1
PREX 1.2:H 34/12 National HIV/AIDS strategy federal implementation plan 1
PREX 1.2:H 34/13/EXEC.SUM A National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States executive summary 1
PREX 1.2:H 34/14 2012 progress report states are implementing health reform 1
PREX 1.2:H 43 Heroin users in New York, Chicago, and San Diego 1
PREX 1.2:H 43/2 Measuring heroin availability in three cities 1
PREX 1.2:H 53 Proposals to reform the Higher Education Act 1
PREX 1.2:H 55 Remarks by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton : United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, September 5-6, 1995, China 1
PREX 1.2:H 55/AF 8 Africa : remarks and commentary 1
PREX 1.2:H 62 President Bill Clinton and the Hispanic community 1
PREX 1.2:H 75 National strategy to promote the health of honey bees and other pollinators 1
PREX 1.2:H 81 Inside the White House 1
PREX 1.2:H 81/994 Inside the White House 1
PREX 1.2:IM 6 The economic benefits of fixing our broken immigration system 1
PREX 1.2:IM 6/2 Fixing our broken immigration system : the economic benefits of providing a path to earned citizenship 1
PREX 1.2:IN 2 Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States 1
PREX 1.2:INTERNET/2 Let's Move! : America's move to raise a healthier generation of kids 1